Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Final exam 1

Final exam 1

Q 1. In your opinion, how strong is the evidence that guns are a valuable means of self-defense?

Q 4. Today we have become very focused on the morality of “privacy”. Do you believe that there are good non-criminal reasons for keeping personal information private?

Q 5. There are many issues today in which we have declared a certain group of people to be termed a “protected class” and provide that protection under the authority of “civil rights”. There is an argument prevalent today which claims that people who are overweight deserve the protection of civil rights. Do you believe that such protection should be extended to overweight people on a moral basis?

Q 6. If a man is caught stealing some provisions for food for this family because he has no job and his unemployment checks have ceased because he has reached his limit, should the man receive the harshest punishment of the law? If so, why? If not, why not?

Q If a parent puts to death one of the family's children because there is not enough food to feed the entire family, what type of punishment should be levied upon that parent?

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I believe that the evidence that guns are a valuable means of self-defense is very strong. At the same time, it cannot be denied that keeping a gun is not ethical for all. Actually, in different countries, there are different laws regarding guns. The main reasons behind these laws are: the people are seen to use guns without a proper license. Another reason behind this is the users who are keeping guns, they are prone to commit a crime, it is proven that the people who keep guns consider themselves as very powerful. Those who keep gun, think that they can achieve anything by keeping anyone in gunpoint (Dant, 2018). Another problem is that people who have a gun take the unfair advantage of the gun. Whenever they cannot achieve anything, they prefer to show their gun and threat the person on the opposite side.